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Jordan Direct Tours Gives You The Pleasure of Exploring Major Attracti…

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작성자 Philomena 작성일24-07-06 03:43 조회6회 댓글0건


Most travellers visit Jordan with its rich history in mind and diverse culture. Designated one of the new Seven Wonders of the World, the Lost City of Petra, the age long rose red city of the Nabatean lure many a traveler since its emergence in the two famous movies- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Although tourism in the Middle East country is getting more expensive with the growing demand, you will get a budget-friendly package with Jordan Direct Tours. There are whole bevy of beauty and captivating sites, ancient Citadels, remains of Roman civilization etc. that add joy and thrill to the eye of beholder.

The most preferable seasons to visit Jordan are spring and autumn. It must be mentioned that it is not just the magnificent Petra that allures the visitor; Jordan is famous for its ranges of splendid sites that are worth visiting. Some of them are outlined below:

Amman, the capital city of Jordan is known also known as the modern city. It provides excellent shopping centre for both souvenirs and regular items. It is a culturally diverse Arab city which is far away from the typical cliches of Middle Eastern exoticism.

The Dead Sea eastern coast is one of the most stunning natural and spiritual landscapes in the whole world. It is the lowest spot on earth at 410 meters below sea level, Christian pilgrimage site as tempting to international visitors today as it was to kings, traders and prophets in ancient times. The leading attraction at the Dead Sea is the hot, comforting super-salty seawater, which is two times saltier than normal seawater.

Petra, one of the 7 wonders of the world, is the legacy of the Nabatean, a diligent Arab people who settled in south Jordan more than 2000 years ago. Much of the appeal of the place comes from its spectacular setting deep within a narrow desert gorge.

The ancient city of Jerash is significant for its endless chain of human occupation. The city was under the influence of Roman rule and it is now known as one of the best preserved Roman provincial towns in the world.

Wadi Rum, the largest and most magnificent desert, has carved mountains and stretches of sand that has the ability to change into shades of yellow, red find orange. This is a fantastic, timeless place, virtually unscathed by humanity and its destructive forces.

These are some of the noteworthy places that are mostly visited by tourists. If you have enough time in hand, then you can explore the other places through the assistance of a proper travel associate. Jordan Direct Tours can offer you with what exactly you need!

Jordan Select Tours is an independent professional destination management company. Jordan Direct Tours is committed to offering high quality service, comfort, safety and value to all clients seeking hotel booking or a full tourism package with tours.framework of responsible tourism.


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